条款 & 定义


  • 继续教育 includes 社区教育 和 劳动力培训. 继续教育包括面对面和在线的非学分学习机会.
  • 社区教育包括社区讲座和偶尔的兴趣班,这些课程不会获得大学学分. Synonyms for 社区教育 include Personal Development, 终身学习, 生活充实, 与个人致富.
  • 劳动力培训可以提供非学分课程,这些课程可能会让你获得证书,比如证书,让你更好地为就业做好准备,或者提高你在当前工作中的技能. 劳动力培训还包括为企业和雇主提供针对其劳动力的培训机会. Synonyms for 劳动力培训 include 专业 Development, 工作技能, 以及企业教育/培训.

你这话是什么意思 信贷无学分?

What does it mean to audit a course?


登记 & 付款


Because our courses are 无学分, 联邦助学金的佩尔助学金和威尼斯安卓版提供的其他财政援助来源.e. scholarships, grants, loans) are not accepted. 然而, depending on the course you are interested in, there may be other financial assistance or payment plans available. 一定要问清楚.

How much are the courses, how long do they last, where do I register?

Do I have to be a CCC student to participate in these courses?

What happens if my course gets cancelled?



专业 & 员工发展

Can I get 继续教育 Units (CEUs) for these courses?



Is it normal to be sent to a website outside of CCC?

We work with several partners to provide some of our courses. 因此, 有时,你可能会被重定向到一个外部网站注册一个特定的课程. Below is a list of our trusted partners:

  • CE Shop, Phoenix Truck Driving School, 课程torm, Ed2Go




我对教书很感兴趣. What do I need to be able to teach a course?

了解如何申请和我们的标准和非学分社区教师的期望 课程建议页面.

Who do I contact about these courses?

What if I don’t find a course I’m looking for?